File Undelete 3.2
942 KB

File Undelete 3.2

It is a data Undelete solution that is designed to recovers lost files
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
942 KB

File Undelete is an advanced file recover tool for Windows. It is a tool that is used to find files that were lost or accidentally (or otherwise) deleted from your computer via the Recycle Bin or bypassing it. The application has two different scanning modes: quick scan and full scan, and a third mode that allows you to find specific files.

When you carry out a quick scan, File Undelete will look for files that are easy to recover and show you their names, location, creation date, modification date, last time it was accessed, attributes, and size. From there, you can recover the files or preview them, if the file type is supported. The full scan mode takes considerably longer than the quick scan, but it should give you the best shot at recovering a file.

In my testing, I deleted an .FLV file and carried out a quick scan. The file was shown with its file name intact. However, the size of the file was 0kb, and it really was 13.2 megabytes. So I chose to recover it anyway, and the application said that the trial version could only recover files up to 64 kilobytes in size. I was confused since the file showed as weighing 64KB. So, in other words, if you have a small file that you want to recover, you might be able to test this application and see if it works as good as advertised.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Good interface
  • Different types of scans and filtering options


  • It is unclear from my testing whether this app works well or not



Your vote:


  • Flv file recovery software